Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Genetics in relation to other Sciences

Science of genetics has occupied a key among modern sciences. Its field of study extends from molecular to population levels. It exhibits either direct or indirect relationship with many branches of science; 
1.      Genetics and cytology (Cytogenetics)
The hereditary units or genes are formed of DNA. These are integral part of chromosomes. The chromosomes are contained in the nucleus. The nuclei of germ cells are the only bridges between successive generations. Therefore, our knowledge of structure of nucleus, nuclear components and finally the structure and properties of nucleic acids has helped in understanding the physical and physiochemical aspects of heredity. The two sciences (cytology and genetics) are so closely associated that they jointly constitute ‘Cytogenetics’.
2.      Genetics and Biochemistry (Biochemical Genetics)
The chemistry of chromosomes, genes and nucleic acids and the chemistry of various processes related to them are studied with the help of biochemistry.
3.      Genetics and Physiology (Physiological Genetics)
Genetics helps in explaining some very important physiological characteristics, like blood groups, Rh factor, alkaptoneuria, sex-determination and sex-differentiation etc. Some physiological abnormalities like sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, colour blindness etc. can be explain with the aid of genetics knowledge.
4.      Genetics and Medicines (Clinical Genetics)
Genetics has also helped in finding out the root cause of certain diseases like hemophilia, diabetes, colour blindness, erythroblastosis foetalis etc. All these diseases are caused on account of defective genotype. Moreover, serology and blood transfusion are two most important fields, where genetics has directly assisted physiology and helped in saving life of innumerable persons.
5.      Genetics and Physics (Radiation Genetics)
The study of effect of radiations on genes and the change in their expression is being studied widely.
6.      Genetics and Embryology (Developmental Genetics)
The most important phenomenon of embryology i.e. the development of a complicated body organization from a single cell-zygote with the differentiation of various organs, structures and characters in a definite direction must be controlled in all essentials by the genotype of the zygote. Therefore, the science of genetics and embryology are closely linked. As a matter of fact, biochemical, physiological and embryological genetics cannot be isolated from one another.
7.      Genetics and Bacteriology ( Microbial Genetics)
Bacteriology has proved a boon for the study of a number of genetics problems. Major studies on the genetic material (genes and chromosomes) have been conducted on bacteria and viruses. This has unfoldedseveral doubts.
Fig of Branches of GENETICS
8.      Genetics and Evolution
The ‘Mutation theory’, ‘Causes of variation in a Mendelian Population’ and ‘Origin of New species’ are well illustrated by genetic knowledge. Population Genetics is the most widely studied to illustrated the phenomenon of evolution.
9.      Genetics and Psychology (Behavioral Genetics)
Several mental characters like idiocy, intelligence, talent etc. are inheritable. Study of these characters has been named ‘Behavioral Genetics’. It naturally establishes a link between Genetics and Psychology.
10.  Genetics and Agriculture (Plant Breeding)
Knowledge and techniques of Genetics are employed for the improvement of plants yielding cereals. By cross breeding, geneticists have tried to obtain such strains of crop plants which have better yield or are more resistant to diseases or have more nourishing value.
11.  Genetics and Animal Breeding ( Animal Genetics)
Artificial insemination has been tried in animals also to obtain genetically superior strains of game animals (like horse, pigeons etc.) or the milk producing animals (like cow, buffalo)
12.  Genetics and Statistics ( Biometric Genetics)
Statistics has furnished important and indispensable tool to genetic researches.
13.  Genetics and Human Ecology
The study of bacterial and viral genetics has helped P.H.E. (Public Health and Engineering Dept) to unlock several problems of human health and hygiene. It has, therefore, helped in improving ecological environment of human beings.
14.  Genetics and Taxonomy
Genetics has helped in solving a number of taxonomic controversies either by tracing chromosomal relationship or by interbreeding relationships. The recent definition of species has genetic approach.
15.  Genetics and Eugenics
                        Genetically studies are being utilized for the betterment of human race. 

Authored & Published by
  Raj Abhisek Panda


Saturday, 18 May 2013

Origin of Genetics and Molecular biology

Genetics is the study of heredity, the process by which characters are passed from parents to their offsprings, so that all offsprings resemble their parents.

The first Geneticists had mainly worked how characters are transmitted from parents to offsprings and how genes act together to control variable traits such as length, height, coat colour, flower colour etc. They developed the central; concept of Genetics. According to this concept heredity is controlled by large number of genes, that are located on the chromosomes. These are called ‘hereditary vehicles’. During 1930s beginning was made to apply biochemical and biophysical methods for the study of chemical nature of gene. This led to a new branch of genetics-Molecular biology. This new approach led to the concept that genes are units of biological information. The geneticists and molecular biologists are working together to understand the way in which biological information is stored in genes and how this information is made available to living cell for its maintenance and division.

Because of close association and interdependence between genetics and molecular biology the term Molecular genetics is now used. It is that branch of biology that is concerned with the study of all aspects of gene.

Authored and posted by;
Raj Abhisek Panda

Monday, 6 May 2013

Introduction to BioChemistry-Tech Blog

Today in the era of applied science, our day to day life is surrounded by use science. We, the science students are always try to find the deep secret of every thing which are happening around as. The secret of everything in the field of biological, chemical or physical science should reveal by more study and more research and more interest to gain knowledge. This is a smal effort to gain knowledge and to research in the technical  field of bio-chemistry.

Biochemistry is a very vast branch of modern science and modern applied science. Starting from soil ending at humans, all living and non-living things are related to biochemical world. So this is an unendurable study of this world. All living things are made up of biological and chemical elements and all non-living are made up of chemical  substances. The study of bio-tech and bio-chem-tech introduces as a lot of branches such as :-

  1. Genetics
  2. Molecular and cellular physiology
  3. Molecular pharmacology  
  4. Recombinant technology(DNA)  
  5. Structural biology 
  6. Developmental biology
  7. Microbiology
  8. Immunology
  9. Pathology
  10. Neurobiology
  11. Chemistry
  12. Agricultural and husbandry science and etc      

We have a very good scope to jump up in this branch of science and to more research study.

Authored and Posted by
Raj Abhisek Panda

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